Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Ralph learns a lesson

This is a movie filmed by my brother-in-law Josh Stanley on a Saturday when Ralph was over at their house. The movie was Ralph's idea. Ralph is the one in camoflauge pants. Jonah (the light blond) is Josh's son and James is Jonah's cousin. I couldn't believe how happy I was seeing this. here is a small version. here is a medium version.


  1. that's awesome. i'd heard about this movie. i'm glad i got to see it. your son is brilliant and creative. (ie. his "noah had to die" verse for "follow the prophet" in primary).

    and how did you post a video? i'd love to do that on my blog.

  2. Josh posted the video to his website, so I just link to that. I'm sure Alan could hook you up.

  3. I expect to see a full length version of this at the Sundance Festival this year. Just the name Blair is reason enough to have a star on the Walk of Fame. Early retirement is just around the corner.

    I wish I had the cool gadgets to make those types of films but I would have to adopt a pen name or alias that sounds cool.

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    awesome. careful though, you don't want those kids turning into child stars - they never grow up gracefully.

  5. Great Video. O That I were a Balloon, and could have the wish of mine heart, that I might blow forth and play and be tossed unto every people.

  6. When's the sequel due to be released?
